Thought Leadership

Browse the linked content featuring Michael’s coverage of a recent topics and innovative solutions for some of the most important issues in marketing management technology today

 Predicting Audience Exposure From Privacy Screened Google ADH Data

In this Presentation Michael is joined by Daniel Eadon of OPTUS and Dan McCarthy of Emory University to show how privacy screened data can be fused to virtual consumer data with an explainable machine learning approach for the purpose of building consumer media exposure impact data


Cross-Channel Attribution with Federated Data

At the 2021 ANA Data and Analytics Conference Michael introduces the idea of federated learning for privacy preserving media event and impact measurement. He looks more closely at the case of federating privacy screened data across walled gardens and offers a deductive approach to federate this third party data with first and second party data.


Do They Actually Work? Attribution As A New Way of Determining Whether Ads Work on Wharton Business Radio’s Marketing Matters Show

Michael joins Barbara Kahn and Elea McDonnell Feit on the Marketing Matters Show to explain how marketers practically integrate marketing impact measurement technologies to practice ROI driven media decisioning at scale


Eliminating Advertising Waste Using Advanced Analytics

Michael is featured on the Analytics Today show with Sameer Kahn and Jeremy Roberts to discuss a number of topics in the context of consumer data analytics for the purpose of actionable recomendations for improving business performance and customer relationships


Implementing a Data Privacy Resilient, Cross Channel Impact Measurement Solution

Michael teams up with Melissa Hopkins the CMO of OPTUS, one of Australia’s leading telecommunication company’s, to talk about how OPTUS integrated data driven media impact measurement and planning technology to improve customer acquisition and retention


Customer-Centric Marketing in the Era of Privacy, Regulation, Walled Gardens, and Disappearing Cookies

Here Michaels Keynote talk at the 2020 Association of National Advertisers (ANA) Masters of Data and Technology where he discusses the role of privacy in the competitive advertising technology landscape and the promise of privacy preserving consumer virtualization to render business actionable consumer data


Test & Learn: Systematic Process to Validate Results and Performance

Michael and Elea McDonnell Feit give a talk for the Marketing Science Institute in 2019 on systematizing performance objective driven experimentation as a management strategy for validating data driven marketing management


How Multi-Touch Attribution Is Transforming Marketing Decision Making

Michael and Scott Breitenother teamed up back in 2016 at the Marketing Science Institute’s Data, Disruption, and the Transforming Media Landscape Conference to present how Casper the online bedding company drove unicorn like growth using marketing attribution to build their consumer base


Best Practices in Marketing ROI driven Performance Management

In 2017 Michael and Jim Speath of Sequent Partners gave a Marketing Science Institute webinar on the change management required to evolve performance management in marketing to uses measure of ROI


Cross-Channel, Audience Impact Based, Media Planning with Incomplete Data

Michael and Alyssa Blair, the SVP of Marketing at Regions Bank, present what media planning looks like when you can measure value of buyable audiences and use that to build a media plan, even when you cannot deterministically attribute every media exposure


Implementing a Data Privacy Resilient, Cross Channel Impact Measurement Solution

Michael talks at the 2020 ANA/Bain Masters of Data and Technology Conference about the ability to continue consumer centric measurement and cross channel media planning despite volatility in data availability